Марина река / Marina Reka /River/

Tertiary Europe can be seen only in two places – the Caucasus and Strandzha Mountain! These are the two locations that have preserved some of the typical plant species for the time between the extinction of the dinosaurs and the last ice age… Visitors to the Marina Reka /River/ area can touch the typical atmosphere of Strandzha!

Where is located

The Marina Reka /River/ eco-trail is located around 14 km from Tsarevo and for her is taken by the main road to Malko Tarnovo. Its condition is not the best possible, so you have to drive slower… The trail start sign is on the left and care must be taken not to miss it. The parking space is also quite narrow, but the flow of visitors isn’t very large and there is always have a free space.

Marina Reka /River/ eco-trail

The route is very easy and short (about 1.2 km), and it is quite educational! It starts with a well-defined and wide road, gradually entering the dense vegetation of the Strandzha forest. At times it feels like we are in a tropical jungle! There are information boards that tell about the rich vegetation, soils and animal species in the area. The trail passes by its most famous landmark – the open classroom and continues to the river bed.

Soils and vegetation

The color of the slightly muddy path is very specific, revealing the type of the most common soils in Strandzha – Cinnamon forest soils (Leptosols). It is interesting that the mountain is the only home in Europe on yellow earth soils (Alosols)!

The most famous plant here is the Strandzha periwinkle, which blooms in May and June. Then is the best time to visit the area. During this period, the “Festival of periwinkle” is held, which aims to increase the recognizability of the area and show its beauty in a fun and interesting way.

The botanical classroom

The classroom in nature is the most interesting thing that can be seen on the eco-trail! A wooden bridge takes us over a small stream to find ourselves until her. It’s slightly obscured by dense greenery and can easily go unnoticed… It’s certainly an idea that should be realized in other locations in nature. Imagine… full departments with curious children studying in this unique atmosphere! Unfortunately, its condition isn’t perfect and needs a little refreshment…

For a final

The trail continues to the river, and you can enter the forest, but it isn’t desirable… Or at least there aren’t well-defined paths for such an endeavor… It’s good to wear long clothes because the insects in the area are in swarms. The whole walk along the route takes about 2 hours, and as a difficulty it is rather light and completely suitable for children!