Вълшебен залез / Magic sunsetThat I have a weakness to the sunsets… it is so… That you will often see sunset posts on the blog… you will see… But this is a bit different… Yes… I know that I say so to all, but it is so… Everyone has their own history and magic… And this… hm… now I’ll tell you about its magic…

It was the beginning of September and I just arrived in Prague… First day, first afternoon, rain all day long… And when it was time for the sunset… amazing, indescribable, gold…! I was surprised… I definitely didn’t expect something so beautiful to reveal to my lens… I was walking along the alleys along Vltava, pushing among the tourists groups, rushing to get to Charles Bridge… There… crowds of people! And the magic of the sunset… The coloured shades spread across the horizon. Everywhere you shoot… you get a good shot. A sunset, a beautiful picture, a short story… did I bother you? I almost finish… but before you close the page, I want to share with you something else… Gratitude to the privilege that I’ve been able to enjoy it… Every time I look at the picture, I remember the Ivo Ivanov’s words from „The Curve of happiness “:

“Every moment has its own magic, every sunset – its beauty, and when they pass by, we have to be grateful that we had the privilege of enjoying them…”

Moments come and go… Be thankful and enjoy them!

P.S. Soon I will tell you more about Prague… I promise!