The area around Lake Bled is rich in natural landmarks and beautiful places. In fact, the nature all over Slovenia is beautiful! There are over 300 waterfalls on its territory. Some of them are hidden deep in the mountains and forests, but Pericnik waterfall is very easily accessible and is among the most popular in the country…
Where is located and how to get there
It is located 30 km from Lake Bled and 20 km from the Vintgar gorge. Navigation will direct you to the highway and then exit to Mojstrana. I recommend the country road 907 through Radovna and along the beautiful lake Kreda. There you will encounter unique natural landscapes! From Mojstrana take the Triglavska cesta and follow the bed of the river Triglavska Bistrica. At one point the road becomes narrow and mostly gravel, but it’s still passable. Parking is paid during the high season (about 3.5 euro for 2 hours), but at the end of April it was completely free!
To the waterfall
We were greeted by sunny and friendly weather, unlike yesterday’s gloomy clouds in Bled. There isn’t fee for the visit, and as I already told you, the transition is extremely easy… only about 10-15 minutes on a well-defined path! The waterfall hints from the parking lot, where you can see its waters. It”s the work of glacial activity in the Vrata Valley, enters the territory of Triglav National Park and is protected as a natural heritage.
First look
Its size is impressive and the rumble is deafening… It is obviously full of water and the powerful jet falling from 52 meters scatters splashes drops everywhere… This was the reason it turned out to be very difficult to make photo frontally… While I set up the camera and my lens was already bathed… The water itself descends with furious speed and blurs even in the simplest photo…
Under the waters of Pericnik
In reality, there are two waterfalls. A little above the big one there is a smaller one, with a height of about 16 m… He is much harder to reach and isn’t as photogenic as his older “brother”. With a little effort and duck walking, I managed to hide next to a rock and to stalk a dry view point to the waterfall…
The most impressive part is a narrow and steep path that allows you to go under the falling water… And passing on it in this full-water form of Pericnik is just a quick shower! Opposite I found a great place and with an umbrella over the camera set on a tripod, I clicked a few great shots to the huge rock and the water curtain! From here you can see the whole waterfall and the valley around it…
For a final
Pericnik waterfall is stunning and very photogenic! It takes about 1 hour to visit him, and great shots are taken around him and his fame spreads more and more… A perfect choice for a walk and a must-have in any tour plan for tours near Lake Bled…