Italy and food. The best word association ever. I have never been good at this game, but now it worked. Many people connect Italy with food, I love the Italian food (there are more million people in the world , who thinks just like me). For every place, that I visit is important to me to know, where can I eat something delicious. I will show you few places for fast lunch in Rome, which you can visit, while sightseeing.
💡 The headings with the names of the places are a link leading to the exact location.
Panne e Salame
The most delicious sandwiches… ever! Right, we were starving, but really they were so delicious. The place is located near the Trevi Fountain. It was a liitle bit hard for me to find it, because on the place, that is shown on google maps there is other restaurant… so just walk a little bit insider into via Santa Maria in Via and you will see it. You can’t miss it. There are any time a lot of hungry people, waiting to take there order. Usually inside is always full – so you just have to go in, order and waiting with number in front of the door, to take your order. If you are lucky one and sit inside, you can delight in the great cutting boards, that they offer. For grab and go it’s better to take Panini. You can just take it and sit around the crowd near to the one of the most impressive sight in Rome, so you can enjoy the delicious lunch and great atmosphere meanwhile.
Pizza Zizza
Now we begin with pizza. That little pizzeria is located near Vatican and is in perfect relation with the tours in museums and St. Peter. The tour is so long and everyone needs to eat something delicious after it. So we made that too. After the tiring visitations, we had the luck to catch two empty tables and we took them immediately. The staff was very friendly and cool. They joke, laugh and doing everything with so much delight, that they charge you only with positive vibes. There are a lot of variety of pizza and each is so delicious. Because of the great staff I tried their speciality, homemade tiramisu with Nutella…. Amazing!
Pizza Zazà
The next local pizzeria with only a few table outside. It’s located in the central place, near to Piazza Navona and Pantheon. It’s comfortably after a walk along the central sights. There are not many tourist there and it is pleasantly for rest. The prices are normal, just like the previous two places. Here the pizza were very delicious too, but maybe not so good like in the other two places.